MagpieRSS is compatible with RSS 0.9 through RSS 1.0. Also parses RSS 1.0's modules, RSS 2.0, and Atom. (with a few exceptions)极光加速免费永久-旋风加速度器
- Excited to announce that AOE media, a TYPO3 & Open Source provider from Germany has recently agreed to provide continues sponsoring for MagpieRSS.
- Magpie links page has been rebuilt, and is now driven by del.icio.us
- The Magpie Blog has been revived and is the place for Magpie news and howtos.
- Atom support is no longer alpha
- Download MagpieRSS 0.61
- Magpie 0.6a (alpha) now available
- Adds experimental parsing support for Atom
- Two new sources of MagpieRSS information:
- MagpieRSS links is a partial list of all the cool stuff people have done with Magpie.
- MagpieRSS 0.52 Now Compatible with PHP 4.3.2
- Improved socket handling in HTTP library
- Thanks go to w加速器, and Phil for bug reports, and especially to Steve for amazing debugging work.
- MagpieRSS 0.51 Released
- important bugfix, please upgrade
- fixes 78加速器官网 when PHP is built without zlib support
- Feed On Feeds Uses Magpie
- server based PHP RSS aggregator built with MagpieRSS
- easy to install, easy to use.
- MagpieRSS 0.5 Released
- supports transparent HTTP gzip content negotiation for reduced bandwidth usage
- quashed some undefined index notices
- use a parser based on regular expressions, making for an inherently fragile solution
- only support early versions of RSS
- discard all the interesting information besides item title, description, and link.
- not build proper separation between parsing the RSS and displaying it.
Easy to Use
As simple as:require('rss_fetch.inc'); $rss = fetch_rss($url);
Parses most RSS formats, including support for 1.0 modules and limited namespace support. RSS is packed into convenient data structures; easy to use in PHP, and appropriate for passing to a templating system, like Smarty. -
Integrated Object Cache
Caching the parsed RSS means that the 2nd request is fast, and that including the rss_fetch call in your PHP page won't destroy your performance, and force you to reply on an external cron job. And it happens transparently. -
HTTP Conditional GETs
Save bandwidth and speed up download times with intelligent use of Last-Modified and ETag.
See 【谷歌免费vpn】-百度搜索详情 - SEO追词网:谷歌免费vpn近30日平均搜索极少次,其中移动端极少次,pc端极少次;目前只有极少的竞价对手,在过去的一周内,谷歌免费vpn在精确触发下推至页首所需要的最低价格为0.35元。百度收录与谷歌免费vpn有关结果2,470,000个。前50名中有4个顶级域名,12个目录 ... -
Makes extensive use of constants to allow overriding default behaviour, and installation on shared hosts. -
- rss_fetch.inc - wraps a simple interface (
) around the library. - 西瓜视频批量下载器官方下载_西瓜视频批量下载器电脑版下载 ...:2021-3-22 · 西瓜视频批量下载器是一款专为喜欢离线观看西瓜视频的用户定制的视频批量下载工具,西瓜视频批量下载器可帮助用户快速批量下载视频到本地,让用户即使没有网络也能够轻松观看西瓜视频。
- 速飞VPN加速器 V5.6 绿色版破解版注册码_速飞VPN加速器 ...:2021-11-11 · 速飞VPN加速器 V5.6 绿色版破解版: 速飞vpn网加游速器从2021年起,从最初的5.0版客本户端更到新最新5.6版本,速飞就一直专注于研究网游延时产生的各种原因,并制相定应的解决方案。八年来,速飞vpn网加游速器支持网游数量超过7000款,打目 ...
- rss_utils.inc - utility functions for working with RSS. currently provides
, for parsing W3CDTF into epoch seconds.
- rss_fetch.inc - wraps a simple interface (
- Secure - supports HTTP authentication, and SSL
- Bandwidth friendly - supports transparent GZIP encoding to reduce bandwidth usage
- Does not use
, work even if allow_url_fopen is disabled.
I wrote MagpieRSS out of a frustration with the limitations of existing solutions. In particular many of the existing PHP solutions seemed to:
Magpie takes a naive, and inclusive approach. Absolutely non-validating, as long as the RSS feed is well formed, Magpie will cheerfully parse new, and never before seen tags in your RSS feeds.::梦三国官方网站-大陆首款角色扮演与Dota竞技对战相结合的 ...:2 天前 · 梦三国OL官方网站,角色扮演与即时对战结合的3D竞技网游,网络竞技网游,三国竞技,梦三国争霸,RTS竞技,RTS即时对战网络游戏尽在梦三国,点击进入了解梦三国竞技网游,中国十大最受欢迎网络游戏
Magpie parses a RSS feed into a simple object, with 4 fields: channel
, items
, image
, and textinput
contains key-value pairs of all tags, without nested tags, found between the root tag (<rdf:RDF>, or <rss>) and the end of the document.
is an array of associative arrays, each one describing a single item. An example that looks like:
<item rdf:about="http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&ID=210257"> <title>Weekly Peace Vigil</title> <link>http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&ID=210257</link> <description>Wear a white ribbon</description> <dc:subject>Peace</dc:subject> <ev:startdate>2002-06-01T11:00:00</ev:startdate> <ev:location>Northampton, MA</ev:location> <ev:enddate>2002-06-01T12:00:00</ev:enddate> <ev:type>Protest</ev:type> </item>
Is parsed, and pushed on the $rss->items
array as:
开眼插件,付费买了VIP 结果不能用,这种骗人插件 ...-360社区:2021-5-28 · 伤城sc 本人于2021年8月抱着试试看的态度买了一个月会员,百般尝试,下了各种客户端,根本就不能用。 联系QQ客服,微信客服申请退款,结果各种理由,百般推脱,过了半个月依然没退,赤裸裸的骗子行为!本人亲身体验,望大家引起重视。不相信的朋友自己去买一个月会员试试就知道了
image and textinput
and $rss-textinput
are associative arrays including name-value pairs for anything found between the respective parent tags.
A very simple example would be:require_once 'rss_fetch.inc'; $url = 'http://magpie.sf.net/samples/imc.1-0.rdf'; $rss = fetch_rss($url); echo "Site: ", $rss->channel['title'], "<br> "; foreach ($rss->items as $item ) { $title = $item[title]; $url = $item[link]; echo "<a href=$url>$title</a></li><br> "; }More soon....in the meantime you can check out a cool tool built with MagpieRSS, version 0.1.
RSS Parser
- 哔哩哔哩弹幕视频网 - ( ゜- ゜)つロ 乾杯~ - bilibili:bilibili是一家弹幕站点,大家可众在这里找到许多的欢乐. 扫描二维码登录 请使用 哔哩哔哩客户端扫码登录 或扫码下载APP
- Improve RSS 2.0 support, in all its wacky permutations (as much as I'm annoyed by it)
- Improve support for modules that rely on attributes
RSS Cache
- Light-weight garbage collection
- Attempt to 网页加速器, given a URL following, much like rssfinder.pydoes.
- More examples
- A test suite
- RSS generation, perhaps with 鲸鱼加速器官网?
- Read the 安卓手机助手-PP助手官网:PP助手是一款专业的手机助手,让您的安卓手机更简单好用,轻松管理心爱手机。免费下载应用、视频和音乐、管理通讯录 ...
- Read How to Get Help with MagpieRSS
- Read over the bilibili游戏中心 - 只做有节操的游戏:2 天前 · bilibili是一家弹幕站点,大家可众在这里找到许多的欢乐. 黑暗童话沉浸式手游《心罪爱丽丝》预约开启 那即为,最“恶”之物语——横尾太郎监制,SQUARE ENIX手游力作来袭! on the links page, to see if an existing solutions work for you.
- Read over the 78加速器官网
- Subscribe to magpierss-general and ask your question.
- RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and Webmasters is a great place to start.
- RSS Workshop: Publish and Syndicate Your News to the Web is also a good introduction
- w加速器 on how to find RSS feeds.
- The Mapgie FAQ and Links pages can be very useful.
- RSS-DEV mailing list is generally a very helpful, informative space, with the occasional heated debate
- RSS Validator
License and Contact Info
Magpie is distributed under the GPL license...
Questions, and suggestions, magpierss-general@lists.sf.net
coded by: kellan (at) protest.net, feedback is always appreciated.
Development sponsored in part by AOE media, a 鲸鱼加速器官网 provider from Germany.